Wednesday 15 September 2010

Villefranche de Lauragais to Carcassonne

As we started today we were aware of how quickly the Canal's vista changes as we cycle south. From broad paths with many joggers, Tour de France type cyclists and walkers to what we have today which is narrow, very bumpy and in places difficut cycling route and very few other people. that is until you reach a lock where there is usually a boat going through, people and sometimes even cars. On the odd occasion there is a small cafe which is always welcome. We stopped for coffee at Castelnaudary (photo) and bought our provisions for lunch. The people we have met today have all originated from Scotland; a couple of cyclists from Dundee, a couple of very fit young men from Stonehaven and two couples from new Zealand one of whom originated from Scotland. All this came about by Billy having a Scottish sticker at the back of his bag! Today's milestone was our passing 1000 k mark (see photo). We are now in Carcassonne where we intend to stay tomorrow and have a rest day and hopefully we will get our washing done.
Distance: 72.1k


  1. You are AMAZING! I like the way Shirley's still smiling - after !000 km. It's a real pleasure to read your blog (don't know how you manage to avoid just falling into bed instead of writing). Great photos, too. Jim and I are both impressed by the distances you are travelling - you super-fit younguns!!! Enjoy your rest day. Love, Jim and Cathie

  2. Congratulations on hitting and crossing the 1000km mark! You deserve a day off, or in your case, a day doing your washing. Good idea to have the badge - great icebreaker.

  3. Congratulations on your 1000th! The canal path looks delightful. Envious!! Thank you for letting us enjoy it vicariously - or should we say googally! Jeremy and Vivian

  4. So impressed you are doing very well, gladd qwe can't all smell you - hope you find somewhere to use your Persil! Has been a busy week for me, so nice to have a cofee and catch up on your news. Shirley - its updating the IQ QoF Manager and pink folder time - so your welcome to get off your bike and come back to help me?
    Keep smiling and cycling - loving your blog, look after each other
